Stupid Lords Mobile Guide

Christina Holland
6 min readAug 13, 2016


updated 8/13/16

Edit: I haven’t played this game since 2016 so I’m sure this is quite outdated.


  • Barracks (1 or 2): You need just enough so you can queue up troops overnight. If you sleep 8 hours or otherwise spend a max of 8 hours offline, you only need enough barracks to queue up 8 hours of troops. Any more is a waste of space.
  • Infirmaries (4+?): Infirmaries will contain all troops defeated in a defensive battle (attack on your base or resources) and 60% of troops defeated in an offensive battle. At early levels it’s good to have enough to cover all your troops but at some point (like when you have a 1 million troops or something) it will be impossible.
  • Manors (as many as possible): You are minimizing barracks and infirmaries to maximize these. Manors generate gold (which you need) and increase troop training speed (which you also need).
  • Farm (1): You need at least 1 farm as a prerequisite for other buildings. Otherwise I would suggest zero. Nothing happens to your troops if you have zero food. Get the food you need for buildings/research from harvesting or packages.
  • Other resources: I don’t know, equal numbers of these or something.
  • You can only have 1 of all the other buildings so nothing to say about that.


  • When you get resource packages, don’t open them right away, open them right before you need them to build/research/train. Nobody can steal them from you until you open them, it’s safer than a vault and you can safeguard way more that way.
  • Cargo ship: All the cargo ship deals give you back more than you put in, except the speedups. The speedups are kind of a ripoff, the speedups they offer you are worth less in gems than the resources you pay. If you have resources on hand, it’s a really good idea to buy cargo ship packages because, like I said above, nobody can steal them.
  • Food: If you’re doing the 1 farm thing, you’ll have to either use food packages, or time food gathering to arrive just before you build something.


A bunch of things boost building/research time.

  • Clothes: Change into the right clothes right before launching a build or research. It only counts the clothes you are wearing when you start the build/research, so you should have multiple sets — build, research, and gathering/production. Put on your build clothes right before you start a construction, change to your research clothes right before you start a research, and keep another set of clothes to boost production from your own turf or increase army capacity for gathering. Changing can be annoying but can save you days in later stages.
  • Talents: During peacetime, set up your talent tree for maximum research/construction/training speed. Just pick up the minimum prerequisites in all the other skills to be able to reach and max out the research & construction, then training, in that order. When those are maxed, you probably want to get gold production or gathering next. During war it is best to redo it. Innate talent ability helps but you still have to spend to reset talents each time you use it. Also it’s very expensive to get to it.
  • Construction Speed Heroes: Big Guy (purchased), Scarlet Bolt (free), Sage of Storms (free).
  • Research Speed Heroes: Trickster (free), Dark Follower (purchased), Petite Devil (purchased), Femme Fatale? (purchased)


It’s very helpful to get VIP up to 8 (auto complete guild/admin quests, complete research/construction for free when 21 minutes left, big player xp gain boost, some resource production boost). If you have extra gems, you can use them to buy VIP points to get here.

Best Purchases

  • 30-Day Supply Chest: You get a ton of resources and speedups every day for 30 days for only $10?. If you spend any money, get this.
  • Heroic Adventure: This has I think 6 Bravehearts, which normally cost 2000 gems each, for $5, so pretty good deal.
  • Heroes: for all purchased heroes, you have to pay to increase each grade (grade is the color border around the hero portrait). Big Guy is the cheapest, I think the costs are $5 (initial), $20 (green), $50 (blue), $100 (purple), $100 (gold). This gets you up to 30% construction speed at gold, and a good colosseum/stage hero even at lower levels. His medals are always available under the Winning Start packages and come with a lot of other useful things. Other heroes cost even more.


  • Battle Skills: Battle skills affect your turf and army. Construction speed, gold production, infantry ATK, that kind of thing. You need to increase rank to unlock all of them and increase grade to increase the value (1% to 2% for example).
  • IMPORTANT: It doesn’t matter who is the leader, all research/construction/resource related battle skills from all heroes apply. The army-related skills only apply if that hero goes into battle with that army.
  • Hero Skills: Hero skills are used in stages and colosseum battles, like stuns and attacks and whatever.
  • Grades: Grades increase the effect of “Battle Skills” and increase base attributes (STR, INT, whatever) by a good amount. They show up as color borders on the hero’s portrait. They are upgraded by getting medals from elite stages or, for paid heroes, by buying a new package. Upgrades cost 20 medals for green, 50 for blue, 100 for purple, and 200? for gold.
  • Rank: Rank increases base attributes and also unlocks battle skills and hero skills. Rank 7 unlocks all skills. You increase rank by filling all the hero’s equipment slots for that level and clicking promote.
  • Best Heroes (Free + Big Guy):
  • For stages/colosseum: Big Guy, Rose Knight, Demon Slayer, Prima Donna, Tracker, Black Crow
  • For turf boosts: Big Guy, Trickster, Scarlet Bolt, Sage of Storms, and whoever has resource boosts
  • For battle boosts: You can probably figure it out yourself

Protecting Yourself

  • Keep putting your leader in the shelter (you need to put at least 1 troop in there with him) for 12 hours, unless you need him for something. Always do it when offline. You can pull them out anytime at no cost, so just always do 12 hours just in case you get busy. This will prevent your leader from getting captured.
  • Use shield if you want to be completely safe, and anti-scout for a cheaper and less complete option. At least it will stop people from seeing if you have a ton of gold to take.
  • Other tricks include sending your troops to garrison a shielded guildmate (I think there is no limit to troops you can garrison, but there is a limit to troops you can reinforce. Garrison troops are outside the walls, reinforced troops are inside.) You can also send them on a ghost rally, with an 8 hour limit or something, but it’s really annoying to everyone in the guild because the guild logo will keep flashing.

How Attacks Work

  • People can attack with a maximum of 300,000 troops at a time, I think, at castle level 25 (200,000 army limit) plus a 50% army limit boost. So if you have 500k+ troops with good research and talent military boosts, you can feel a little better about surviving single player attacks. Rallies are another matter.
  • Rally size depends on battle hall level. Level 25 battle hall holds 2 million troops. You need this to take out those big guys with 5 million troops. Battle hall size tells you how many other people’s troops you can have in the rally, it doesn’t count your own. So if your battle hall holds 300k “coalition troops,” you can send a rally of 300k PLUS however many of your own troops you add.
  • Don’t just look at troop numbers, there are HUGE boosts added by talents, research, equipment, and heroes. I haven’t added them all up but they could double and triple troop stats I think. If you haven’t done enough military research or did not switch talents before fighting, you will be at a huge disadvantage.


  • Infantry troops have the most resource capacity except for siege weapons which are kind of useless in battle and a waste of space. So I’ve been training mostly infantry troops to max my gathering without gimping my battle readiness. Some of the big guys that attacked us, I’ve noticed do this too.
  • Walls seem to go down really fast as far as I’ve seen, you don’t really need siege weapons maybe, or not a lot for sure.



Christina Holland
Christina Holland

Written by Christina Holland

I’m not sure what kind of stuff I’m supposed to put on this website

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