This is really interesting. I never thought about this before, but a lot of the tutorials and even helpful “bird’s-eye overview of what’s out there” articles/summaries start with a tool or a list of tools and then maybe includes what you might use them for, at the end.
Maybe this is backwards from what a lot of people need. Maybe people need to start with a list of results (types of apps they can build, what kind of features they want to add to their app, or even what kind of job they hope to train for) and then you give them a list of tools that are popular/useful for doing that, and some pros and cons. Like, “You want to build a Twitter bot? Here are some things you might use” or “You want to build a chat app in a browser? Here is what you might use for the view framework, here is what you might use to manage sockets, here is what you might use for auth, etc.”
Maybe you even have separate lists of “stuff for auth” or “stuff for websockets” and such, and then you make a “stuff for chat apps” article that links to all the relevant lists for parts of a chat app, and a “stuff for e-commerce sites” article that links to the auth stuff but not the websockets. Like node modules for tutorials!
It does seem kind of logically backwards to go “oh, Redux is hot” or “Elm is hot” and then have to read about it and learn it and then find out if it would help you do anything you care about. Maybe there should be a tree of links going in the opposite direction, starting from the thing you want to build, branching out gradually to all relevant tools.